Flutter Bloc - Clean Architecture

Hey friends, Have a good day. Few days back, I got an interview and assign this task. Anyhow I done my best. 

I post my code in github, If anyone wants to try the bloc with clean architecture you can look it that my code.

This is following task:

  • I should be able to list all albums and see their title
  • I should be able to filter albums by title
  • I should be able to see the photos of one specific album
  • I should see the thumbnail(thumbnailUrl) and title

Here I use bloc for state management. After a long gap, I used and updated the latest version of bloc. Then for api consuming I used jsonplacedholder site.

For http calls: Dio and Retrofit I used. 

Here is link

If you want something more features in this repo, please comment here. 


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